The Conscious Fertility Podcast

It was wonderful chatting with Dr. Lorne Brown on The Conscious Fertility Podcast about how to harness the power of your brain through Whole Brain Living and the BRAIN Huddle. Listen to the episode called, Harnessing the Power of Your Brain, here: Apple –…/conscious…/id1639945717 Spotify –

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The Pausecast with Rachael O’Meara

It was wonderful to be a guest on The Pausecast to speak with author and Executive Leadership Coach Rachael O’Meara about how pausing is essential to Whole Brain Living and how you can use the Brain Huddle exercise to get out of trigger moments and feel more peace. Listen here:–59-Dr–Jill-Bolte-Taylor-and-Whole-Brain-Living-e1nf922/a-a8a2vdl

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Just Ask Spirit Podcast

It was wonderful being on the Just Ask Spirit podcast with Sherianna Boyle. We discussed spirituality and the brain and when you understand what is happening in your brain on a cellular level, you have more power over your emotional reactivity. Listen here:  

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Conversations on Healing Podcast

I recently joined Shay Beider for the Conversations on Healing Podcast to discuss the 4 neuroanatomical characters, my experience with a severe stroke and shared how to activate different parts of your brain. Listen here:

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Unplug & Plug In Podcast

I recently was a guest on the Unplug & Plug In Podcast with host Lisa Honold, Director for the Center for Online Safety. We talked about parenting, kids, teens, brains and using brain science to help kids navigate the pressures of screen time. Listen here:

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Behind Greatness Podcast

I had a wonderful and meaningful conversation with Luciano Volpe on the Behind Greatness podcast about Whole Brain Living. We discussed empathy, enjoying the present moment, and how our Character 4 feels like a ‘great whale gliding through a sea of silent euphoria.” You can catch our full conversation here:

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